Apollo Dental

Aesthetic Restorations


A deformed tooth or irregular formation of teeth, cavity, and tooth decay can mar our smile. To address and fix this problem, dentists have developed a technique called aesthetic restorations. This procedure can restore teeth by removing or replacing missing parts or missing teeth. Tooth cavity is a common phenomenon, and to address this problem, dentists suggest tooth fillings that prevent plaque and cavities.

If you need aesthetic restorations, search online for the best dentist near you. Or visit a dental clinic in Hyderabad.

About aesthetic restorations

Excessive bacterial growth can lead to poor oral hygiene. Sugary drinks or frequent snacking can cause tooth cavities. Tooth decay is the wearing out of enamel, leading to excessive pain and sensitivity.

To cure this, dentists prescribe antibiotics and ask patients to undergo tooth filling or root canal to reduce the progress of cavities.

How are aesthetic restorations carried out?

Here are the steps involved in aesthetic restorations:

  • Your dentist will first examine the affected areas to restore the teeth concerned. 
  • Then the dentist will use local anaesthesia to numb the areas. 
  • The decay is addressed by using specialised instruments such as a drill, air abrasion instrument or laser. 
  • Then the filling procedure will commence. There are many filling materials such as porcelain, gold, silver amalgam (which consists of mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc, and copper); tooth-coloured plastic; and materials called composite resin fillings. There is also a material containing glass particles known as a glass ionomer. This material is used in the same way as composite resin fillings.
  • The benefit of tooth-coloured fillings or composite fillings is that the filling merges seamlessly with the remaining teeth. The composite filling also ensures longevity. 

When should you see a doctor?

When you’re facing extreme pain in your teeth or unable to eat or move your jaw due to chronic pain, or you have a cavity or irregular arrangement of teeth, get in touch with a dentist. 


Tooth decays are common nowadays. Thus, it is always advised to maintain proper oral hygiene to avoid tooth decay. However, there are several ways to cure tooth decay, and filling is one of them. If you’re experiencing discomfort or pain in your gums or tooth and thinking of aesthetic restorations, reach out to a dentist for resolution. 

Request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Hyderabad Call 18001020288 to book an appointment

When is aesthetic restoration necessary?

When you’ve got a cavity or tooth decay, or you just want to frame your teeth better, aesthetic restorations are the solution. Dentists perform this technique mostly when the teeth are prone to decay or need fillings from cavity formation. Composite fillings are better than silver amalgam fillings as the composite fillings bond directly with the tooth resulting in the removal of fewer healthy teeth, while silver or gold fillings require more complex drilling to fit them in place.

How many types of restoring materials are used?

There are many types of filling materials such as gold; porcelain; silver amalgam (which consists of mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc, and copper); tooth-coloured plastic; and materials called composite resin fillings. There is also a material that contains glass particles and is known as a glass ionomer.

Can I eat or drink after restoration?

It depends on the type of filling. If you undergo composite filling, you can eat or drink without any worries; however, for other materials, there are restrictions. Your dentist will give you a diet chart after restoration.

Is it hard to maintain the restoration?

No, but certain guidelines need to be followed, as said by your dentists. Generally, dentists prescribe a different type of soft-bristle toothbrush, which will not affect the fillings. Corrosive foods and beverages such as acidic drinks, soda and tobacco should be minimised as these can affect the overall composition of the fillings.

Can my restoration fall off?

Restorations generally do not fall off on their own. But, without any care or regard for the procedures prescribed by the dentist, the restoration may get damaged. It can create the need for a new set of restoration.

Aesthetic Restorations Doctors in Hyderabad

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