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Apollo Dental's centres of excellence encompass a vast array of surgical procedures, including some very unique and uncommon procedures that are performed exclusively at Apollo Dental, in India.

Dr. Laxmi Tandon


General Dentist

16 Years Experience


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About Apollo Dental

Welcome to our state-of-the-art dental centers, the dental vertical of the globally renowned health care giant Apollo Hospitals, Apollo Dental is the most trusted chain of dental clinics in India with over 125+ Centres in 25 cities across the country, aiming to bring world class dental care within reach of every Indian.

Our commitment to evidence-based, updated treatments is reflected in our well-equipped centers, which feature the most ergonomic dental chairs, cutting-edge LASERS, globally acclaimed dental implants, digital X-rays, and branded consumables. The use of dental microscopes, world-class CAD-CAM crown machines from Germany, Cone Beam CT, and other top-of-the-line equipment, which ensure continuous improvement of the quality of treatment delivery.

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Yellow Teeth - Healthy or Unhealthy?
Yellow Teeth - Healthy or Unhealthy?

Most of us are extremely conscious about our smile, aren’t we? And why shouldn’t we be? Our smile may be the first thing that someone w

What is the right time to visit the dentist?
What is the right time to visit the dentist?

As important as a trip to the dentist is, most of us may not find it a very enjoyable experience. Even if the overall experience is impeccable, the

Ways to handle a sudden toothache
Ways to handle a sudden toothache

A toothache can be one of the most unbearable and nagging pains in the body. When it happens it can really lead to a stressful situation, since you

The Effect of an Unhealthy Lifestyle on Oral Health
The Effect of an Unhealthy Lifestyle on Oral Health

The healthy functioning of our body depends a lot on how we treat it. If we do not exercise and keep ourselves active, have unhealthy eating habits


We're honored to be recognized for the work we do on behalf of our customers, employees, and communities around the world.

Apollo Dental
Apollo Dental
Apollo Dental




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