Apollo Dental

Pit and Fissure Sealants


Pit and Fissure sealants or dental sealants are dental procedures that help prevent tooth caries or decay. The pits and fissures in the biting surfaces of teeth are vulnerable to tooth caries or decay because food sticks in them, and it is hard to clean these areas.  easy-to-clean surface that avoids tooth decay.

About the procedure

dental doctor or a trained endodontist applies pits and fissure sealants on the biting surfaces of the back teeth. You may visit the nearest dental clinic to check the teeth that require sealing after proper examination. The endodontist also checks whether the fissures are sufficiently deep for the sealing to help.

Who qualifies for the procedure?

Children at an increased risk of tooth caries or decay are the best candidates for the procedure. The dentists place the sealants as soon as the adult molar teeth come through. Adults can also qualify for the procedure at any dental clinic in Chennai, especially those with:

  • Orthodontic appliances
  • Enamel defects like enamel hypoplasia
  • Deep fissures and pits
  • History of tooth decay
  • Poor plaque management

Get in touch with an endodontist of your choice or the best dental specialist in Chennai or visit the best dental clinic in Chennai if you think you need to undergo the procedure. Feel free to call 1800 1020 288 to book an appointment at Apollo Dental, Chennai, or click the link.

Why is the procedure recommended?

Thorough tooth flossing and brushing help remove plaque and tooth particles from teeth surfaces. But toothbrushes cannot reach the pits and the grooves in back teeth. While fluoride prevents tooth decay and protects teeth surfaces, pit and fissure sealants offer extra protection.

How is the procedure conducted?

This is a straightforward and quick procedure that takes just a few minutes. The tooth is cleaned thoroughly and prepared using a special solution. Once the solution dries, the liquid dental sealant is applied and is allowed to set hard by shining a bright light. The process is pain-free, and the teeth do not feel any different later.

Different types of sealants

The different types of sealants used to fill in pits and fissures include glass ionomer and resin-based sealants. The resin-based varieties are usually the first choice, while glass ionomers are used as a provisional agent when placing the resin-based sealant.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of pits and fissure sealants include:

  • Pain-free
  • Protection against food decays and plaque
  • Effective for more than 10 years
  • Added support for oral care
  • Easy to maintain and repair
  • Covered under dental insurance

What are the risks?

The risks of placing pits and fissure sealants are:

  • Insufficient surface preparation
  • Contamination due to calcium phosphate products or saliva
  • Air entrapment
  • Slow or incomplete photo-polymerisation
  • Overextension of material beyond conditioned teeth surfaces


Endodontists use pit and fissure sealants as the primary prevention of dental decay. Dentists at the best dental hospitals in Chennai practice this effective procedure to prevent the progression of different tooth-related diseases. You can opt for resin-based or glass ionomer sealants and maintain this pain-free procedure easily by visiting a dental specialist near you.

Do the pit and fissure sealants last longer?

The sealants generally last several years but may wear out over time. So it is always better to check with your dental surgeon in Chennai, especially an endodontist, regularly to ensure the seal is intact. In case of any issue, your dentist will replace or add some sealant to negate the chances of any decay underneath it.

When to go for the procedure?

Pit and fissure sealants are best applied as soon as the first permanent teeth chow up, which is between 6 and 7 years of age. However, adults also qualify for the procedure depending on the patient’s risk of developing carious lesions.

Do pit and fissure sealants make the teeth feel different?

No, since pits and fissure sealants are very thin and cover the groves and holes of molar teeth, they do not make the teeth feel different. They just add a level of protection against microorganisms or the accumulation of food particles, thereby preventing caries and tooth decay.

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