Apollo Dental

Interceptive Orthodontics


Interceptive orthodontics corrects the teeth eruption in children aged 6 to 10 and helps prevent/correct Malocclusions. Malocclusions (bad bites) are misalignment of upper and lower rows of teeth when the mouth is closed.

Interceptive orthodontics is orthodontics treatment’s first phase. Orthodontists treat children as young as 6 to 10 years when there is a combination of milk teeth and permanent teeth (but not all permanent teeth). The treatment involves the use of simple appliances, like spring and braces.

Why is interceptive orthodontics done?

Interceptive orthodontics is required for those children who have:

  • Lost teeth very early accidentally, decay, or at birth (congenital reasons)
  • Have crooked/crowded and protruding teeth
  • Underbites/Overbites (Malocclusions)
  • Mismanagement of the back tooth
  • Dental arches (due to thumb sucking)

How is interceptive orthodontics done?

The interceptive orthodontic treatment happens in two phases.

  • Phase one: The main goal of the orthodontist is to maintain proper spacing between teeth to enable an appropriate alignment of the erupting permanent teeth. The orthodontist uses spacers or other necessary appliances when required.
  • Resting phase: This phase is when your child develops permanent teeth. Your orthodontist might or might not suggest appliances based on the severity of the condition. But you are required to take your child for regular oral monitoring for continuous evaluation.
  • Phase two: This is after all the permanent teeth have erupted. Your orthodontist will use interceptive treatment methods to align the jaws accordingly.

The interceptive orthodontic method depends on your child’s specific oral problem. Your paediatric dentist will intervene with either of the following:

  • Use spacers to maintain space between teeth caused due to early tooth fall.
  • Expand the space in the upper or lower jaw (as necessary) to enable successful treatment during phase II (after all the permanent teeth have erupted).
  • Remove milk teeth that have not fallen for too long to pave the way for the eruption of the permanent teeth at the right age.
  • Reduce the protrusion of the teeth.

What are the benefits of interceptive orthodontics?

  • Maintains oral hygiene: Properly aligned straight teeth are easy to brush and are less prone to bacteria accumulation.
  • Maintain your child’s dental structure: It helps to maintain your child’s dental structure in case of an early loss of primary teeth.
  • Corrects Malocclusions: In cases of jaw misalignment in children, the interceptive orthodontic treatment increases the jaw space.
  • Avoid dental trauma: Crooked, overcrowded teeth can cause dental trauma such as tooth cracking and chipping.


Orthodontists use interceptive orthodontics treatment methods to monitor and detect oral jaw alignment problems early on. By catching these problems early, they prescribe interventions for successful treatment in the future.

Parents should book a dentist appointment every six months for a periodic oral evaluation. It is crucial to detect alignment problems early on for successful future treatment. Book a meeting with the best orthodontists or dental hospital/clinic in Pune

Call 1800 1020 288 to book an appointment with the best dentist near you

When are interceptive orthodontic treatments appropriate for a child?

Interceptive orthodontic treatment can start as early as six years of age.

What appliances are used in interceptive orthodontics?

Space maintainers, expanders, chains, and braces are some appliances used in interceptive orthodontics.

Should space maintainers be removed?

Yes, whenever the permanent teeth are ready to erupt, the dentist removes the space maintainers.

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