Dr. Disha Bendale
Dentist - 2 Years Experience
Pune, Aundh
9:00 AM to 6:30 PM
92 % Patient Satisfaction Score
Book an Appointment Call: 1800-102-0288
About Dr. Disha Bendale – Children’s dental specialist in Aundh, Swargate, Viman Nagar, and Wanowrie, Pune. Specializes in children’s dental diseases, dental abnormalities in children and space between teeth
Dr. Disha Bendale is a children’s dentist in Pune. She practices in Apollo Dental clinics in Aundh, Swargate, Viman Nagar, and Wanowrie branches. She is a pediatric dentist and provides treatment for children’s dental diseases and abnormalities in dental development in infants, toddlers, and children.
Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry is a branch of dentistry that involves treating conditions of kids’ dental development, dental decay, misalignment of teeth and many other dental diseases that arise in children.
Specialized skills
- Dental caries (dental cavities)
- Bad breath
- Tooth decay
- Tooth grinding
- Abnormalities in dental development
- Over-retained primary teeth
- Pulp lesions
- Gum diseases
- Malocclusion
- Thumb sucking (finger sucking)
- Improper bite (in case of crooked teeth)
- Dental injuries
- Pediatric periodontal disease
- BDS, Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, Lucknow
- MDS (Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry), MGM Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai
Frequently Asked Questions
Dr. Disha Bendale practices at Apollo Dental Clinic, Pune-Aundh
You can take Dr. Disha Bendale appointment by calling 1800-102-0288 or Click here to book appointment online or walk-in to Clinic.
Dr. Disha Bendale specialises in Pedodontist