Have you ever noticed the grooves and pits in your teeth? Do you think your toothbrush can clean those minute grooves while you brush? Pit and fissure sealants are one of the most important dental materials that are used to seal deep pits and fissures in order to prevent dental caries. Dental hospitals near you will have all the facilities to assist you with this process.
A sealant is a mixture or paste that is applied to the back teeth, such as the premolars and molars. They are not applied to the front teeth. They are used when the grooves and pits on the teeth get deeper. When the grooves grow deeper, bacterial or any other kind of infection can develop in those pits and affect the dentine and the root.
Look online for the best dental clinic near me.
Why is the procedure recommended?
With pit and fissure sealants, one can avoid cavities and other major problems. All dental surgeons near you can perform this procedure easily. Dental surgeons are trained to do this. This also makes your day-to-day cleaning problems easy. You need not stress about the groove areas. While brushing, the surface area will be pretty smooth, so brushing will be an easy process.
You can consult your dental doctor or visit a dental clinic in Bangalore .
How is the procedure conducted?
This is a very simple process that does not take a lot of time. Sealants are available in the form of paste. So preparation of sealants is easy. Before applying the sealants to the affected teeth, the latter are deeply cleaned. This way one can get rid of all the small bacteria and other infections that were about to develop – so the teeth are cleansed thoroughly. After this, the sealants are applied to the affected teeth and the grooves are sealed completely. There is no pain involved in this procedure and it only takes a few minutes per tooth. The sealants also dry out very quickly.
For all your queries, search online for the best dental doctor near me.
What are the benefits of the procedure?
Sealants are mainly used for filling cavities in teeth. They act as a protective covering around the teeth and protect them from harmful exposure. They also reduce the decaying process. Those teeth that do not have sealants can start decaying early and pretty easily.
All the best dental hospitals and clinics near you will offer this treatment. Fix appointments to get sealants. Health is wealth. And that includes dental health. Therefore, never compromise on it.
You can request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Bangalore . Call 18001020288 to book an appointment.
Most of these pit and fissure sealants last for a very long time. Most of these sealants are permanent. Sometimes due to wear and tear, one might need to replace or reapply it.
Most of the dentists start with this sealant procedure when the patient is at the age of 6 or 7. This age is most suited because cavities start to form at this age due to fussy food habits. This can also be done after removing cavities and when the pits and grooves of the teeth grow deeper.
No, not at all. Bone augmentation is just a minor procedure.