Apollo Dental

Smile Makeover/Designing


A beautiful jewel that anyone can easily wear they say, is a big and beautiful smile. If you want to brighten up your smile, there are many cosmetic dentistry options that you can consider. All you have to do is to approach a dental clinic near you and consult about the suitable dental cosmetic techniques that can help you beautify your smile.

Why is Smile Makeover/Designing Recommended?

A smile and the way it can make your face look depend on various factors concerning your teeth. Visible gaps between the tooth, the colour of the gums, the colour of the tooth, alignment of the teeth, etc. can affect the way you smile.

A smile makeover is a combination of cosmetic dental procedures done in a dental clinic that remedies the above-said aesthetics of the teeth. It is also possible to design the way you want to smile and decide before the procedure is performed.

Who Can Perform a Smile Makeover/Designing?

A smile makeover/designing is performed by a cosmetic dental specialist. You can visit the best dental clinic near you to know which cosmetic procedure suits you best under proper evaluation by dentists.

How is Smile Makeover/Designing Conducted?

Depending upon the type of dental problem, there could be various cosmetic options available. Here are the types of procedures performed for such makeovers.

Braces: Orthodontic braces are widely used among children and adults to reduce the gaps and fix the alignment of the teeth. They are metal-like structures fixed on the teeth and hold them in place for a long time.

Veneers: in this procedure, porcelain or resin shells are customized to suit your teeth. They are fixed on the front surface of the teeth and provide the required colour, shape, and size of the teeth.

Bonding: In dental bonding, resins designed in tooth colour are applied and hardened using a specific light substance. This provides a better look to the teeth and fills the gaps.

Crowns: Crowns are designed to place above the affected tooth to improve its shape and appearance. These crowns can be customized with resin, porcelain, metal, or ceramic. In this procedure, the tooth is first filled, and the crown is then placed above it.

Teeth Whitening: To apply the most loved whitening to your teeth, many dental solutions are now available over the counter and in the dental clinic. The remedies vary from toothpaste to whitening agents.

What are the Benefits of Smile Makeover/Designing?

The best dental clinics in the city provide a various range of smile makeovers depending on your requirement.

These are cosmetic procedures that are performed to improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Some of the techniques such are braces and bonding are cost-effective and durable for a long time.

What are the Possible Complications?

It is best to consult with the dentist in the dental clinic near you to know what is causing the irregularity in your teeth and then decide on which procedure to take as per your dentist’s professional advice.


Correcting your smile is not difficult anymore. You can just visit the dental clinic near you and choose the best way to do it.

Request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Call 1800 1020 288 to book an Appointment or click on this link

To whom smile makeover is recommended?

A smile makeover is recommended for individuals who want to improve the way they smile by performing a combination of cosmetic dental procedures.

What is designing?

Now, you can design how you want to look after a smile makeover procedure. That will help you to choose the size, shape, and appearance of the teeth.

Are there any side effects to this procedure?

Please consult a dental specialist nearby you to evaluate your oral health and take advice about the procedure.

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