Frenectomy is also called the Frenulectomy procedure, which can be used to treat a condition called the lip tie or tongue tie. The treatment procedure resolves any kind of issues that arise in the oral cavity. The oral surgeon cuts and modifies the frenum and corrects the way your oral cavity is organised.
Why is Frenectomy recommended?
A Frenectomy is also known as a Frenotomy. In this procedure, the dentist cuts the binding tissue of the gum and is modified properly. Frenectomy is a common procedure and especially during the infant stage of life. The dentist usually helps with maxillary Frenectomy. The maxillary Frenectomy is a procedure that happens on the labial frenum. The maxillary Frenectomy occurs near the top lip as the labial frenum connects the top lip to the gum. Frenectomy is recommended when the labial frenum is shorter than average. A shorter than usual labial frenum can lead to gum diseases and issues with teeth set. Therefore, Frenectomy is a very common procedure.
Who can do the Frenectomy procedure?
The frenectomy procedure is done by a periodontist in case the labial frenum leads to difficulty in speech development. The labial adhesion also leads to problems in teeth development. The procedure is done by a dental surgeon who is well-trained in frenectomies. The procedure is a minor one and can be done in a few hours. There are multiple frena present in the oral cavity. The procedure can treat a particular frenum and correct the oral cavity.
How are Frenectomy done?
Frenectomy is a procedure that is done by scissors on the frenum for infants. Removing the frenum is quick and takes some minutes. If the procedure happens in older children, the procedure will need the help of local anaesthesia. Once the anaesthesia takes effect, the doctor then removes or modifies the frenum using scissors or a scalpel. The procedure takes 30 minutes or less to complete. The procedure has a low recovery time, too and does not cause much pain.
What are the benefits of Frenectomy?
There are many benefits of the Frenectomy. For example, the surgical procedure helps resolve teeth development and speech development issues. Frenectomy is very beneficial for babies as it happens quickly and does not make the procedure painful. The procedure improves breastfeeding problems in the infant. The procedure also improves speech problems for the infant and improves his or her smile. All these benefits come after a frenectomy procedure.
Frenectomy can be beneficial for infants and older children. A good periodontist and dental specialist help conduct Frenectomy and treat any kind of issues that the children have with eating and speech. The procedure is a small procedure that is done in a few minutes, and the child recovers very easily. The best dental clinic in Port Blair is Apollo Dental clinic. Request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Port Blair or Call 1800 1020 288 to book an appointment OR click on this link to contact the best dentist in Port Blair today.