Apollo Dental

Do you need Braces

Whether you want a better bite or you want to adjust your smile, braces are here to your rescue. Braces or Aligners are tools that are put on to straighten out your existent teeth. It doesn't matter if you have crooked teeth or even an overbite, braces or aligners can be your one-stop solution for all these problems.

Why are braces or aligners recommended?

Braces or aligners may be recommended for you if you tend to have crooked teeth, an overbite or a misalignment in your jaw. Call the best dental doctor near me and you may request an appointment at Apollo Dental Clinic, Port Blair. Call 1800 1020 288 to book an appointment.

Who can perform braces or aligners?

An Orthodontist or dentist performs this procedure after taking a clear picture of your teeth. The entire procedure takes up to 1 to 2 hours. Your teeth will be sore for about a week after the procedure.

How are braces or aligners put in?

Firstly, your teeth are cleaned and dried up. Then, your orthodontist takes an X-Ray of your teeth. Next, a bonding glue is attached to your teeth and the brackets are attached to them. Thereafter, the orthodontist places the archwire and secures it with elastic bands. There are different types of braces like metal, ceramic, lingual and clear aligners.

What are the benefits of braces or aligners?

Some of the benefits of getting braces are:

  • You will have straighter teeth alignment.
  • You can resolve the issue of an overbite.
  • Your smile will improve and hence your overall facial appearance.

What are the possible complications of the braces or aligners?

Some of the possible complications of braces are:

  • You may get a tooth infection or decay due to food sticking to the braces.
  • It can cause hygiene issues if not cleaned properly.


If you have misaligned teeth, it is best that you consult the best dental clinic near you and put in braces. It will be worth the while for your overall appearance in the long run. For further information, you may request an appointment at Apollo Dental Clinic, Port Blair. Call 1800 1020 288 to book an appointment OR click on this link.

Does having braces cause a lot of pain?

Getting braces hurt initially when it is being put on the teeth. After a while, your body adjusts and it doesn't cause much pain.

How much does it cost to get braces in India?

Braces may cause approximately somewhere between Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 2 lakhs depending on the type of braces that are chosen by you.

What foods should I avoid with braces?

Once braces are put in your teeth, it is advised that you avoid sticky, crunchy and really hard foodstuff, e.g., peanut brittle or chikki.

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