Apollo Dental

DMLS Crowns

One of the most common reasons for you to visit a dental hospital in Port Blair would be for a procedure to insert a dental crown. There are numerous types of dental crowns in the market, one of the most popular types of crowns today is known as DMLS or direct metal laser sintering. 

The DMLS technique is used to manufacture bridges and dental crowns with high precision and accuracy to ensure a comfortable fit by fabricating it to your specific measurements. This happens with the use of software like CAD. 

DMLS crowns are made with a type of alloy known as porcelain fused metal or PFM. These crowns usually have a warranty life of 10-years.

Why Are DMLS Crowns Recommended?

DMLS crowns are the newest and safest forms of crowns with extreme durability that possesses a tensile strength of 1350mpa and is known for its superior bonding strength. This means that the DMLS crown has a superior bite compared to some other types of crowns, which is why it is highly recommended by any dental specialist in Port Blair.

Who Can Perform A DMLS Crown Procedure?

Dental crowns are fairly common procedures that can be inserted by virtually any dental specialist in Port Blair. This procedure is not risky, has a high success rate, and very few side effects. Before booking a dental crown procedure, it is recommended that you visit a dental specialist in Port Blair for accurate treatment information about which type of oral medical practitioner you have to see for your specific case.

How Is A Dental Crown Inserted?

Most dental crown procedures will be done over the span of two visits. During the first visit, your dental specialist in Port Blair will use a mold to create an impression of your teeth. They will also cut out any decay and clear out any obstacles during this visit and insert a temporary crown.

Post your first visit, a dental surgeon in Port Blair will use your impression and sinter a crown using the DMLS technique. 

In your second visit, your dentist will clear out the temporary crown and any debris around the area and then insert the permanent crown. Once the crown is inserted, they will adjust it and check the fit before finally completing the procedure.

What Are The Benefits Of A DMLS Crown?

A DMLS crown has numerous benefits including:

  • Superior bite strength
  • A clean finish to help tooth aesthetics
  • Superior durability leading to a 10-year lifespan at minimum
  • High precision technology guarantees comfort and a good fit with your other teeth

Most DMLS crown benefits are case specific, in order to understand the benefits for your case specifically and to compare it to other crown types, visit a dental hospital in Port Blair and consult an experienced dentist who specializes in this type of procedure.

What Are The Complications Of DMLS Crowns?

The procedure for inserting a dental crown of any kind has very few complications. These complications are often not serious. They include:

  • Temporary inflammation of the gums
  • Mild-severe pain
  • Oral discomfort during and post the procedure for a limited time

There can be case specific complications, to better understand those, it is recommended you ask your dental specialist in Port Blair to explain the complications to your case specifically in detail.


A  DMLS crown is the latest in dental technology, it gives you a crown that is specific to your needs, strengthens your teeth with precision crowns that fit perfectly in-line with your teeth, and is highly durable. It is a type of crown that a dental surgeon in Port Blair may recommend often.

Are DMLS crowns expensive?

The cost of a dental crown can vary and depends on the dental clinic in Port Blair. To better understand the costs of a DMLS crown, it is recommended you consult a couple of dentists in different hospitals.

Are DMLS crowns poisonous?

No, DMLS crowns are certified by numerous dental authorities and do not have any risk of contaminating your body by exposing it to harmful toxins.

Are DMLS crowns the best choice for me?

There are numerous crowns in the market for dental specific needs, while DMLS crowns are considered a superior form of dental crowns, it is still recommended you consult your doctor to see if it is the best fit for you.

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