In simple words, Digital Smile Design or DSD is a dental treatment planning that allows dentists for a detailed analysis of the dental as well as facial structure of the patients using digital and videography technology. This process uses CAM- Computer-Aided Manufacturing and CAD- Computer-Aided Design technology to build teeth's 3D models.
Why Is Digital Smile Design Recommended?
As per dentists, digital smile design can help patients to get a perfect smile. When there is a complex dental treatment that needs to be carried out with maximum accuracy and precision, the best dental specialist in Port Blair recommends a DSD. This method allows the patients to see what the final results will look like.
Who Can Perform This Procedure?
Digital Smile Design involves creating 3D models of dental structures and requires technical know-how. It may not be a complex process, but there should not be an error. That's why a DSD is generally carried out by a professional orthodontist at a fully equipped dental clinic.
How Is Digital Smile Design Conducted?
After a primary consultation, the dentist will gather structural and aesthetic information on the patient's teeth. All the details are then processed by advanced Smile Design software to create a perfect solution. The dentist will begin the procedure if the patient approves the digital design.
What Are the Benefits of Digital Smile Design?
Some of the major benefits of this procedure are:
- Efficient utilization of technology
- Patients can see the results before the actual procedure
- It is a collaborative process
- Motivation for patients.
For maximum benefits, the patients should visit the best dental clinic in Port Blair equipped with advanced dental technologies.
What are the Possible Complications?
There are no such complications of digital smile design; however, the procedure will cost more than other dental procedures. And may lead to unexpected surprises in the final results. It is advisable to consult an experienced dental surgeon in Port Blair for more information about this.
DSD can help a dentist to predict the outcome of a dental procedure and can help patients to have a better smile and oral health. If you are interested in digital smile design and want to know about the risk and benefits in details of this procedure, then you should get in touch with the best dentist in Port Blair now. For this, you can request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Port Blair, or you can also call 1800-1020-288 to book an appointment now. You can also click on this link to schedule an appointment.