Dental or oral surgical procedures require a certain level of sedation to make them painless and comfortable for the patient. Conscious sedation is a practice of providing medicines to relax, such as a sedative, and anesthesia to block the pain during a dental procedure. This practice is common in dentistry where people sometimes panic during complex dental procedures. All the best dental hospitals in Trichy conduct dentistry procedures under conscious sedation.
Why is conscious sedation recommended?
The procedure is recommended for anyone anxious before a dentistry procedure like a root canal, dental cleaning, cavity filling, etc. In conscious sedation, the patient is awake but relaxed, and the anesthesia impact numbs the pain. It is recommended for pediatric patients and someone with sensitive teeth. Always search for the best dental hospital near me for performing dental proceedings under conscious sedation.
Who can perform conscious sedation?
Experienced dentists or oral surgeons can perform the process of conscious sedation. A dental surgeon in Trichy will apply the anesthesia before performing any procedure. It is a simple process; it takes a few hours for the numbness to fade.
How is conscious sedation conducted?
The best dentist in Trichy can conduct the procedure as it does not require a specialized anesthesiologist.
- The dentist will administer the sedation with an oral tablet, facial mask inhalation, or through an IV line.
- How fast a sedative takes effect depends on its type: The IV sedative starts working in a few minutes, whereas the oral sedative takes around 30 to 60 minutes.
- The dentist starts the procedure once the desired level of sedation is achieved.
What are the benefits of conscious sedation?
- Reduces pain and anxiousness
- It makes the patient feel comfortable during the procedure
- Help with procedures like a root canal or even general dental cleaning
What are the possible complications of using conscious sedation?
There are a few possible risks or side effects of conscious sedation:
- Drowsiness and heavy feeling
- Slow reflexes after recovery
- Low blood pressure
- Headache
In case of severe side effects, it is best to contact a dental specialist in Trichy for an effective solution.
Be it a simple or complex dental surgical procedure, the right amount of sedation makes the process convenient for the patient. The best dental surgeon in Trichy uses conscious sedation to reduce pain and anxiety during surgery.
To request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Trichy, call 1800 1020 288 or click on this link.
It takes a few hours for the sedation effect to completely wear down or disappear. However, the actual recovery depends on the process conducted.
Some methods for conscious sedation include oral tablets, intramuscular or intravenous injection, or inhalation through a facial mask.
No, the patient is partially awake but is light-headed from the sedation. Conscious sedation keeps one awake while numbing the area.