Apollo Dental

Wisdom Teeth


Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars located at the back of the mouth. The rearmost teeth are the last set of adult teeth to grow. When wisdom teeth are trapped in the gums or jawbone, it results in infection, cavities, and gum disease. The wisdom teeth erupt mostly between 17 and 25 years of age. When the wisdom teeth are not properly aligned, they pierce through the soft tissue and erupt in the gums, causing infection. In such a case, removing the wisdom teeth is an effective solution. The best dental clinic in Madhurai provides wisdom teeth removal.

What are the symptoms of wisdom teeth infection?

Visit a dental specialist in Madhurai to get a checkup if you are suffering from any of the following symptoms:

  • Swelling and infection in the gums
  • Piercing pain in the gums and soft tissues
  • Breathing problems
  • Foul breathe
  • Difficulty opening mouth
  • Formation of pus in gums

What are the causes of wisdom teeth infection?

  • Pressing of the growing teeth against soft tissues
  • Eruption of the teeth at the wrong angle
  • No room for the growth of an extra set of molars
  • Partially or complete trapping the wisdom teeth in the jawbone or gums
  • Periodontitis or cavities causing tooth decay

When to see a doctor? 

Search for a dental doctor near me to book an appointment if you suffer from discomfort or pain around the wisdom tooth. If you suffer from the symptoms listed above, you are likely suffering from wisdom teeth infection. The dental surgeon in Madhurai recommends the removal of wisdom teeth in many cases.

What are the possible complications from wisdom teeth infection?

You might face some complications in the case of wisdom teeth removal. Some complications or risk includes:

  • Dry socket resulting from teeth removal
  • Infection of the socket
  • Nerve injury
  • Inflammation and swelling

What is the treatment for wisdom teeth infection? 

The best dental hospital in Madhurai treats wisdom teeth infections for quick recovery. The tooth infection involves:

  • Medication and antibiotic dose to treat the infection
  • Practice oral hygiene 
  • From time to time, cleaning the teeth
  • Surgical removal of the wisdom teeth 

Home remedies help in treating wisdom tooth infections. This includes salt water rinsing, cold compress, mouth wash with hydrogen peroxide, and a soft dab with clove oil.


Wisdom is the third molar set located in the back of the mouth, and is the last to erupt. If you have the wisdom teeth partially or completed buried in the gums or at a wrong angle, it causes infection. Wisdom teeth infection is painful and unpleasant; hence, sometimes surgical removal is necessary. The dental hospital in Madhurai provides the right treatment for the infection or surgery.

Request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Madhurai. Call 18001020288 or visit our website to book an appointment.

What is the cost of wisdom teeth removal?

The removal of wisdom teeth starts from Rs 500 to Rs 10,000, depending on the position and location of the wisdom teeth.

What precautions should be taken after the wisdom teeth removal?

Some signs include sharp pain, inflammation, difficulty opening the mouth, pus-formation, foul odour, etc.

How long does it takes to recover from wisdom teeth removal?

The average time required for recovering from wisdom teeth removal is 2 to 3 days. In some cases, it might take longer.

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