Apollo Dental

Facial Trauma


Facial trauma is damage to the bone or soft tissues caused by face injuries, including injury to the facial bones such as the maxilla (upper jaw bone). Untreated facial trauma might cause permanent loss of functions like chewing, swallowing, speaking etc. It might even distort physical appearance and restrict movement. In such cases, it is necessary to look for the best dental surgeon near you to immediately start treatment.

The types of facial trauma

  • Facial fractures – These distort the appearance and impair functions. They include breakage or fracture of facial bone, jaw bone, nasal cavity etc. 
  • Soft tissue injuries – They comprise facial laceration (torn skin), cuts or scrapes to the face, facial burn, nerve damage, tongue laceration, or even damage to salivary glands.
  • Dentoalveolar Injury – Injury to teeth or bones around teeth.

The symptoms of facial trauma 

  • Discomfort in functions like swallowing, chewing, eating and speaking
  • Swelling or bruising around the eyes
  • Changes in facial features and restricted movement
  • Breathing difficulty due to swelling and bleeding from the nose
  • Pain, tenderness, and swelling at the site of injury
  • Missing tooth

If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. The best dental specialist in Madhurai is easily available.

The causes of facial trauma

Facial trauma is any injury affecting facial bones like the upper and lower jaw, cheekbones, eye socket, nose, and forehead. Its causes are the following.

  • Accidents and forceful blows to the face
  • Slipping or falling from a high surface
  • Physical assault or direct hitting on the face
  • Sports injuries

When a doctor should be consulted

If you have a severe injury impacting your face, you must immediately consult a doctor. If you suffer from pain, loss of function, restricted movement, or a distorted face, visit a doctor or dental surgeon in Madhurai for treatment.

The risk factors for facial trauma

There are many risk factors associated with facial trauma:

  • Bleeding
  • Loss of function
  • Impaired brain and nervous system
  • Numbness or weakness
  • Loss of vision

How to prevent facial trauma

  • Always wear a seat belt while driving a vehicle
  • Wear helmets while riding a bike
  • Always wear safety headgear in industrial or work areas

The treatment for facial trauma

Facial reconstruction surgery for major deformity and damage to the facial structure. Contact the best dental hospital in Madhurai to know about the available surgery options.

The treatment goals include

  • Control bleeding
  • Fix broken bone segments
  • Prevent scars
  • Repair sunken eyes or cheekbones
  • Restructure deformed face


Different types of facial trauma result from accidents, injuries, and direct blows to the face. Severe trauma requires surgical intervention like facial reconstruction. However, physiotherapy sessions are enough to treat less severe cases. Use the services of the best dentist in Madhurai for a complete check and examination.

Request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Madhurai. Call 18001020288 or visit our website to book an appointment.

What is facial reconstruction surgery?

It is a surgery performed to restore facial features by repairing facial trauma, disfigurement, and burns, and to treat facial deformities.

What are the goals of facial trauma treatment?

The treatment aims to restore the normal functions impacted by facial trauma. It prevents loss of functions like swallowing, speaking, smiling etc., and it helps optimise facial appearance.

What is the recovery time to heal from facial trauma?

It depends on the severity of the case. It takes 4 to 6 weeks to heal from facial trauma.

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