The pulp is the soft tissue that supplies nourishment and nerve supply, which is the feeling of sensation to the tooth. In case of an infection, the pulp is indicated for some therapy to stop the chief reason which fetches a patient to a dentist - Pain. There are two types of pulp therapies, namely vital pulp therapy and non-vital pulp therapy.
Vital pulp therapy comprises indirect and direct pulp capping, pulpotomy, and apexogenesis. Non-vital pulp therapies are pulpectomy and apexification. To know more about the treatment indicated, especially for your case, you should refer to the best dentist in Apollo Dental, Kannur.
Why are pulp therapies recommended?
Pulp therapies are recommended for patients who have minor to major pain episodes. Depending on the timing, duration, progress of pain and aggravating factors, one of the many options of pulp therapies is chosen. Book an appointment at the best dental clinic in Kannur.
Who can carry out pulp therapies?
A board-certified endodontist or a pedodontist is the best type of dentist to carry out pulp therapies. They make and interpret radiographs to curate an accurate treatment plan based on your diagnosis. Apollo Dental has one of the best teams of endodontists and pedodontists.
How are pulp therapies done?
The appropriate type of pulp therapy is chosen based on the extent of the infection and its location. In case of infection, only limited to the crown of the tooth, which is the part of the soft tissue inside the portion of the tooth visible in the mouth, only that much of the pulp is removed. This is called pulpotomy and is very common for deciduous teeth.
A bur that rotates at high speed is used to cut the top hard layers of the tooth and remove the pulp. In case of a milder extent of infection, indirect pulp capping is done when the infection is very close to the pulp. This promotes the formation of hard tissue covering. As opposed to this, a direct pulp capping treatment is done when the pulp is directly involved. A crown may be placed on top.
What are the benefits of pulp therapies?
To maintain the healthy and normal function of the tooth, it is necessary to retain the health of the pulp. This is because the pulp is responsible for maintaining nutrients, oxygen, moisture and proteins. The correct pulp therapy done by one of the best dentists in Kannur will surely relieve you of the pain and irritation caused by a necrosed pulp.
What are the possible complications of pulp therapies?
Mild sensitivity or stinging sensation might follow. The benefits of pulp therapies outweigh the minimal risks. Contact a dental hospital near me in Kannur for more information.
Pulp therapies are a common and day-to-day procedure by the best dentists in Kannur. It helps disinfect and retain the tooth in the mouth for as long as it’s healthy to carry out its masticatory and aesthetic function. This is extremely important because nothing matches a natural tooth's quality.
Request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Kannur Call 1800 1020 288 to book an appointment.
This is subjective and entirely depends on the extent of the infection and your pain tolerance. It is usually sensitivity rather than the pain that is felt. An experienced dentist at Apollo dental hospital will ensure you have the best dental experience. This treatment can boost your confidence level.
You can get the best prices for this procedure at Apollo dental. We at Apollo dental can help you choose the right kind of pulp therapy for you.
Special treatment options of pulp therapies especially curated for primary teeth, promote the completion of the root to allow the healthy development of a primary tooth. Hence don’t worry and book your appointment at Apollo Dental, Kannur.