Apollo Dental

Micro Endodontics



Micro endodontics is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on the root canals of teeth. This procedure is designed to correct problems related to the pulp and the root canals of the teeth.

Micro endodontics is different from traditional root canal therapy in that it uses smaller instruments and techniques. The goal of micro endodontics is to save as much tooth structure as possible—and preserve it so that there is no need for a full-scale replacement of the tooth.

Why is Micro Endodontics recommended?

Micro endodontics is an effective treatment for conditions such as pulpal and periapical inflammation, infection, and trauma.

Micro Endodontics is indicated due to the following reasons:

  • To attain better visualization of the operative field
  • Removal of broken instruments from root canals
  • to obtain a clear and magnified field that improves precision
  • To restore tooth structure
  • To achieve better instrumentation and improve the prognosis of the case.

Who can perform Micro Endodontic Procedure?

Micro endodontics is a precise and delicate treatment that requires a skilled dentist. This procedure can be performed by general dentists and Endodontists. Visit a dental specialist in Kolkata for good quality micro endodontic treatment.

How is Micro Endodontic Treatment Conducted?

Micro endodontics is conducted by a dentist using a microscope and a drill.

  • The procedure typically starts with a diagnostic examination to identify the source of the problem.
  • The dentist will use the microscope to identify the diseases and injuries of the pulp and root canal system.
  • They will then use the drill to remove the diseased tissues and restore the structure of the tooth.
  • The root canal procedure is then followed by a post-operative period of healing.
  • Depending on the extent of your infection, further appointments will be scheduled by a Dental Specialist In Kolkata

Benefits of Micro Endodontic Procedure?

Micro endodontics is a minimally invasive procedure that can save teeth that would otherwise need to be extracted. Micro-endodontics is used to treat teeth with small root canals that cannot be treated with traditional endodontic procedures. This procedure uses a microscope and very small instruments to access the root canal. The goal of micro-endodontics is to preserve as much of the tooth as possible while still ensuring that the infection is removed.

The complications of Micro Endodontic Procedure?

There are some possible complications of micro endodontic procedures.
These include:

  • Root canal infection
  • Root fracture
  • Apical periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues around the root tip)
  • Perforation of the root canal
  • Damage to the surrounding teeth

Micro endodontic procedures are generally safe and effective. Complications are rare and most can be treated successfully.


If you are facing any problem related to the pulp or root canal of your tooth, then micro endodontics is the best treatment option for you. This minimally invasive procedure can save your tooth from extraction and preserve its structure.

However, like all medical procedures, micro endodontics comes with a few risks and complications. Consult with the Best Dentist In Kolkata to learn more about whether micro endodontics is right for you.

Request an appointment at Apollo Dental,Kolkata Call 1800 1020 288 to book an appointment OR click on this link

How is micro-endodontics different from traditional endodontic procedures?

Traditional endodontic procedures require access to the root canal through a large opening in the tooth. Micro-endodontics use a microscope and small instruments to access the root canals.

Is Micro endodontic treatment expensive?

Yes, compared to traditional RCT, micro endodontic treatment is a bit expensive but has a better success rate.

Is Micro Endodontic treatment painful?

Before initiating the treatment, your dentist will numb your oral cavity, so that you will have no pain or discomfort.

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