Wisdom Teeth - Myths Vs Facts
September 3, 2021
From infancy to adulthood, teeth appear in stages. We lose our milk teeth and develop permanent t...
Keeping Your Braces and Retainers in Good Health - Tips and Suggestions
September 3, 2021
Braces and retainers are dental tools for rectifying teeth alignment. While braces have been used...
Gum Disease During Pregnancy Time
June 28, 2021
Pregnancy is one of the most blissful experiences that a woman can have. But, while you may be ex...
Covid-19 Symptoms Related to Dental
June 28, 2021
The COVID-19 infection is no ordinary viral infection. From the respiratory system, eyes, immunit...
Importance of Flossing – 5 Reasons Why You Must Floss Everyday
May 20, 2021
Have you ever wondered why dentists ask about your flossing habits during the periodic check-up? ...
Gingivitis in Children – Causes, Symptoms and Prevention
May 20, 2021
For parents, there is no better sight than seeing their child smile. But, as soon as their teeth ...
Association Between COVID-19 And Periodontal Issues
May 20, 2021
The COVID-19 wave has taken the world by storm. And, one of the most perplexing things about the ...
2020 wraps up with good news
December 24, 2020
Apollo Health & Lifestyle Limited to launch the Corona Vaccination Programme very soo...
Don't Lower Your Guard
October 17, 2020
The pandemic that started early this year, is still existent. The lockdown is also on; though var...
Best Implantologists in Bengaluru
February 19, 2020
Implants are a clever and perfect choice to regain your confidence. Simply put, they provide a pe...
Best Implantologists in Chennai
February 18, 2020
Dental Implants are the perfect way for you to have a healthy and happy smile. They empower you t...
Best Implantologists in Mumbai - Top Dental Implant Dentists
February 14, 2020
Losing your teeth can be daunting but inevitable. People lose their teeth because of various reas...
Best Dental Braces Specialists in Pune
January 31, 2020
Pursed lipped smiles, covering the mouth while eating and refraining from grinning, are some of t...
Best Dental Braces Specialists in Mumbai & Navi Mumbai
January 27, 2020
Having crooked teeth is an issue that plagues a lot of people. Living with crooked teeth can take...
Best Dental Braces Specialists in Hyderabad
January 25, 2020
Not all of us are blessed with perfectly set rows of teeth. The problem of living with crooked te...
Best Dental Braces Specialists in Chennai
January 24, 2020
Living with crooked teeth can be challenging in many ways. It’s a condition that you have l...
Effects of coffee and tea on teeth
December 19, 2019
A kick of caffeine, first thing in the morning is something that most ...
Are dental implants strong ? How long they last?
December 19, 2019
Dental implants have been continuously and successfully used to replac...
Diabetes oral health problems
December 19, 2019
Living with diabetes can be trying in many ways. Diabetes affects mult...