Wisdom Teeth - Myths Vs Facts
September 3, 2021
From infancy to adulthood, teeth appear in stages. We lose our milk teeth and develop permanent teeth over time during our childhood. The first ones to come are the incisors, then canines, followed by premolars and molars. The final appearance is of the wisdom teeth, or the third molars, that appear at the back of the mouth. Many people experience pain and discomfort during the growth of wisdom teeth.
Want to know more about wisdom teeth? Let us start with some common myths.
#1 Myth- You Have to Remove Your Wisdom Teeth
Fact: There are many causes, such as cavities, cysts, gum infections or wrong alignment, where it is crucial to take them out. But dentists and specialists recommend that if your wisdom teeth are not causing any discomfort, there is no need for extraction. You need to take care of these third molars, so as to take care of the rest of your teeth.
#2 Myth- Wisdom Teeth Bring Wisdom
Fact: Having a wisdom tooth or not does not make you wise or otherwise! This myth stems from the fact that these teeth grow in the adult phase of life, usually between the age of 17-21. Being the last set of teeth to appear, they have been associated with wisdom that comes with maturity, and are hence referred to as ‘wisdom teeth’. Scientifically, there is no evidence that the arrival of wisdom teeth is associated with an increase in wisdom or intelligence.
#3 Myth- Everyone Has Wisdom Teeth
As per scientists and anthropologists, wisdom teeth were necessary for our ancestors, who were hunters and gatherers, and had to chew and eat raw and uncooked food. Back then, we needed the blunt strong wisdom teeth to chew through meat and nuts. However, as we evolved over centuries and started eating cooked food, we no longer required the wisdom tooth. And this started impacting our genes. This is why many people today have these third molars in their gums that never grow out. Also, some people may not have them at all!
#4 Myth: Wisdom Teeth Grow in the Late Teens
Fact: Unlike our other teeth, wisdom teeth take their own sweet time to grow. While they usually sprout between 17 and 21, their growth period can even stretch up to ten years or even more. In some cases, wisdom teeth do not grow fully, but remain partially embedded in the gum. In this case, people get them surgically removed because it can cause extreme pain and discomfort.
Get Your Wisdom Tooth Removed if it pains
While wisdom teeth are special, they can also spell disaster for your oral health. Many people experience extreme wisdom tooth pain and discomfort due to wrong alignment, or neighbouring teeth getting impacted. In such cases, it is crucial to visit a dentist and get it removed i.e extracted.