Root Canal Treatment
Which is better root canal or extraction?
August 9, 2019
Healthy and attractive looking teeth are a great source of joy and self confidence and of course ...
All you want to know about Root Canal treatment
June 11, 2019
First a 101 on teeth - Basically a tooth is a hard, cal...
Everything you need to know about root canal treatment
March 16, 2019
It is common for many people to unnecessarily shudder in fear with the very mention of root canal...
Is Root Canal Treatment Advisable in Children?
March 12, 2019
It is common for parents to be concerned and anxious when a dental doctor orders an endodontic pr...
I have had two root canals done. Very shortly afterwards one tooth broke.
November 6, 2018
Q. I have had two root canals done. Very shortly...
Root Canal Treatment
November 6, 2018
Q.My left sixth molar has decayed and my dentist have cleaned it and advised me ...
Cap of a root canal treated tooth came out recently
November 6, 2018
Q. Cap(Ceramic) of a root canal treated tooth came out recently.Cap is stil...
Methods for Painless Root Canal Treatment
November 6, 2018
Q.What is the best method of painless root canal ? A....
Root Canal and its Benefits
June 5, 2018
If you are suffering from a heavy toothache! There are just two options, to either remove the too...