What Is So Special About Wisdom Teeth?
September 3, 2021
Did you feel special when you got your first wisdom tooth? Maybe you are still finding your wisdom, and waiting for them to sprout. Wisdom teeth have always carried an element of mystery behind them. Keep reading to find out what makes wisdom teeth so special!
Wisdom teeth are often associated with one getting wiser and smarter. While there is no scientific evidence to the claim, these sets of teeth do hold a special place, nonetheless. Let us look at some facts that make it special.
They are Your Last Set of Teeth
Positioned right at the back, these teeth are the last set of molars to appear. They usually sprout between the age of 17 to 21, but may remain hidden under the gums after sprouting, and can grow years later. So, while most people will see their wisdom teeth appear in their late teens or early twenties, some may get it much later or never at all.
Wisdom Tooth May Be Becoming Extinct
Many scientists believe that wisdom teeth, or third molars, may soon be a thing of the past for us humans. Each of the dentures in our mouth serves a purpose. While the sharper ones are useful to tear the food, the blunt but stronger ones at the back help in grinding food. The third molars i.e wisdom teeth serve this purpose. But, nowadays most people don't get wisdom teeth. And this can be related to the fact that humans have evolved over centuries - we now cook our food, which means we do not need to grind our food as much as our ancestors did.
They are the Toughest Teeth
Out of all the teeth you have, wisdom teeth are the strongest. Since they are used for grinding food, and we humans for a large part of our history ate raw and uncooked food, we needed strong teeth to grind all those raw meats and nuts. However, we do not need such strong teeth anymore. In fact, this is why doctors and dentists recommend the removal of wisdom teeth even if you have slight pain. This is because the strong roots of wisdom teeth can cause other dental problems as you age, and may cause other teeth in the vicinity to weaken.
Wisdom Teeth Can Produce Stem Cells
During their growth and sometimes after the growth period, wisdom teeth produce stem cells. Stem cells are crucial to the growth of the body when it is developing; hence are very useful. Scientists are now trying to develop a technique to extract these stem cells, to use for tissue generation and other medical procedures.
They are Special Until They Pain
Whether your wisdom teeth are magic or not, they need to be taken care of every day, just like your other teeth, by brushing twice a day and regularly flossing. While they are special, the wrong alignment of these teeth, which is a case with many, can cause wisdom teeth to hurt. If you're experiencing pain, visit your dentist and get it removed or extracted, to prevent further dental damage.