Apollo Dental

Orthodontics In Children


Orthodontics treats dental issues in children and deals with crooked teeth or problems with jaw development and tooth advancement. Tooth decay, early loss of milk teeth, broken teeth, or oral habits like thumb sucking can cause tooth and jaw issues. These issues may be inherited or acquired. Untreated orthodontic problems can become more challenging to treat as a child grows and causes tooth decay, gum disease, and other severe issues. Additionally, orthodontic specialists receive training in jaw diseases and anomalies of the face. Your youngster may receive an orthodontist referral from your dentist.

Visit a dentist’s hospital in Hyderabad close to you to learn more.

Orthodontic treatment in children boosts self-esteem and self-confidence by reshaping the teeth, lips, and face to improve appearance. The added benefit of a gorgeous smile and orthodontic treatment also results in a balanced bite. There are fewer chances of gum disease and decay with straight teeth. It will assist your youngster in properly biting and chewing to improve their nutrition intake. 

Why choose orthodontic care?

Malocclusion, or “poor bite,” is a general term for any orthodontic issue. With appropriate orthodontic care, the following problems could be helped with or reduced:

  • teeth that are crowded, crooked, or misaligned
  • Missing teeth
  • Extra teeth
  • the overbite
  • a recessed bite
  • open bite
  • improper or misaligned jaw position
  • a problem with the jaw joint 

When should my child start wearing braces?

Mostly, children between the ages of 7 and 10 are the best candidates for orthodontic treatments like braces. No matter the patient’s age, the same steps are taken to move and fix their teeth’s alignment. However, a full-grown mouth must surpass the position of the jaw and facial bones. As a result, adults may need more than one type of orthodontic treatment to correct malocclusions, and jaw surgery may occasionally be  necessary.

What are the risks of getting braces on your teeth?

If you choose, your child wears braces. Take the utmost caution when it comes to oral hygiene routines. Patients may experience temporary food mastication difficulties as a result of dental braces. Braces or dentures can create small fissures around the teeth that can trap food particles, causing plaque to form.

This process can harm the enamel surface of the teeth at an early age, resulting in discolouration or the formation of white markings called decalcification. In specific cases, it can also result in tooth decay and gum disease.

You can learn more about the best dentist in Hyderabad online.

What does orthodontic treatment entail?

 Each patient has a unique dental condition, and the duration of treatment varies from patient to patient. You must teach your kids to brush and floss as directed by your orthodontist. You have to frequent your dentist for a professional cleaning minimum after every six months throughout orthodontic treatment or more frequently if indicated. If they wear braces, be careful about what they eat. Patients need to restrict repasts that are hard, sticky, or crunchy. Soft, facile-to-masticate repasts are your best bet. Your dental experts’ advice is the best for you, and you must follow it. 


You can start taking your child to the orthodontist for routine checkups at age seven. You can select a dental office with modern amenities and qualified orthodontists. Children who receive orthodontic treatment can correct their teeth and prevent future orthodontic problems.

If you are probing for orthodontics for children near me in Hyderabad, you are in the right place. With our remarkable experience, you can count on us for exceptional services. Our hospital is kid-cordial, and Apollo Dental Clinic in Hyderabad is here to provide your child with all the preventive care she requires.

Arrange a meeting at Hyderabad’s Apollo Dental. Register an appointment by dialling 18001020288. Book an appointment now.

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