Apollo Dental

Flap Surgery


Patients with moderate to severe periodontitis who have not responded to non-surgical therapies like scaling and root planing are often candidates for a flap operation. Plaque and tartar around the roots may be effectively treated with this method, as can gum tissue health. The best dentist in Durgapur will evaluate your oral and general health to decide whether gum flap surgery is a good option.

Why is Flap Surgery recommended?

If periodontitis progresses to its severe stage, your teeth will be at risk. Teeth may also fall out at this point due to the destruction of the ligaments and bone tissue supporting them. Periodontal flap surgery may be necessary if the disease cannot be managed with non-surgical methods like cleaning and scaling.

Who can perform Flap Surgery?

Periodontist, a dental specialist in Durgapur, is involved in the procedure. In terms of surgical procedures, you may choose from various approaches. The recommended surgical procedure(s) will depend on your unique medical situation.

How is Flap Surgery conducted?

The dental doctor near me will thoroughly clean your teeth by scraping away tartar and plaque. After that, we’ll use a local anesthetic to ensure the affected region is pain-free. When you’re relaxed, the doctor will make an incision in your gums and lift a tiny flap of tissue so they can reach the area underneath.

The dentist will next clean the areas in and around the teeth’s roots and remove any inflammatory tissue, plaque, or tartar built up there. Osseous recontouring is a treatment used to repair bony irregularities and decrease the risk of reinfection. The doctor will repair the wounds and restore the gum tissue as soon as the procedure is complete. In addition, he may use an intraoral bandage to seal the surgical region and keep it protected.

What are the benefits of Flap Surgery?

Flap surgery may greatly alleviate periodontitis pain and other dental health issues. If done properly, oral surgery may dramatically enhance cleanliness and aesthetics.

What are the possible complications of Flap Surgery?

Gum flap surgery has several risks, including bleeding, infection, and paresthesia. The best dental hospital near me should be consulted if serious pain develops.


When performed by a dental surgeon in Durgapur, modern flap surgery has a proven record of success. For many, this is the first line of defense against periodontal disease and the treatment choice to keep their teeth healthy. Request an appointment at Apollo Dental, Durgapur. Call 18001020288 to book an appointment or visit our site.

What is the typical recovery time after a gum flap procedure?

Your gum tissue should be completely healthy within three weeks of surgery. However, the discomfort should disappear in around two days.

Is gum flap surgery painful?

Due to the local anesthetic, you won’t experience any discomfort during gum flap surgery. However, it’s normal to feel sore after surgery so you may take painkillers.

How risky is gum flap surgery?

As a result of flap surgery, the likelihood of complications is low. However, harmful bacteria may enter the gum tissues without regular post-op oral hygiene, leading to painful infections.

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