Apollo Dental

Bone augmentation for a sturdy tooth.

Bone mineral loss requires bone grafting for a dental implant. Calcium and other minerals supporting the bone reduce decreasing bone strength. Bone augmentation is performed to restore teeth tissues. Dental surgeons specialized in the procedure will perform based on the bone mass damage. If you are the one experiencing insufficiency in the bone mass, visit the Best Dental Clinic Near Me. Bone augmentation is done best by orthodontists.

Why is bone augmentation recommended?

The bone mass has insufficient minerals finding it difficult to support the teeth. Periodontitis refers to gum infection or inflammation. Bone augmentation is done to restore the hardness of the tissues. Bad breath, swollen gums, and pain associated with chewing are gum disease symptoms. To find out more about symptoms, consult a Dental Specialist Near Me.

Who can perform the procedure?

Periodontists, inflammatory disease specialists, or oral surgeons specialized in orthodontics and are proficient to perform the procedure. The bone augmentation procedure is simple or complex depending on the extent of damage to the bone and the time taken to perform. After the procedure, slight pain is evident and is best managed by taking over-the-counter medications. The recovery time for bone augmentation is a few weeks to 2 months. Visit the Best Dental Clinic in Malda for a suggestion.

How is the procedure conducted?

Many bone augmentation techniques are available.

Precautions before the procedure are to inform the dentist about your medications.

Precautions after the procedure, sit on a reclining chair with your head uplifted by keeping pillows. Stop icing after 24 hours.

Socket graft: A technique for restoration of bone in the tooth socket enabling tooth replacements or bridging the gap between the teeth. Recovery time is a few weeks to nine months.

Lateral ridge preservation graft: Ridge augmentation is the positioning of the bone graft in the bone ridge to stop the shrinkage. The procedure is fast, efficient, and painless requiring less recovery time.

Block bone graft: A surgical procedure to reinstate bone tissue after extreme bone loss.

Consult Dental Specialist for further updates.

What are the benefits of the procedure?

  • Healing bone after an injury
  • Restoring the bone after a fracture
  • Synthetic bone grafts in case of chronic pain symptoms

What are the possible complications of the procedure?

  • Breaking open the soft tissues.
  • Infection
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Redness

Consult Dental Specialist in Malda for further details.


Bone augmentation is a procedure performed to rebuild bones by bone tissue transplantation. The lack of strength in your jaw for a firm grip on a tooth requires bone augmentation.

Request an appointment at Apollo Dental Hospital, Malda, West Bengal. Call 1800 1020 288 to book an appointment.

Does bone augmentation change your facial structure?

No, it restores facial structure affected by the loss of bone minerals. Expands the bone ridge with space for dental implants.

What are the precautions to follow after bone augmentation?

Refrain from strenuous exercise and place ice packs for pain management.

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