Wilckodontics – Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics
June 29, 2015
Wilckodontics (corticotomy) combines orthodontic (tooth movement) and periodontal procedures to obtain the most ideal orthodontic result.
Wearing braces can be an irritating. Many people decline orthodontic treatment because of the time commitment and also because they find the whole procedure a nuisance. Wilckodontics has solved this problem. Many orthodontic cases can now be completed in 8 to 10 months. This is 3 to 4 times faster than conventional orthodontics.
Social obligations are no longer be an overwhelming limitation. With Wilckodontics, less time in treatment translates to less disruption in your personal and work schedule. Due to the shortened treatment time, your Wilckodontics procedure can be scheduled not to interfere with weddings, vacations, or other important social events. The benefits of a shortened treatment are complemented by the quality of a pleasing smile.
Decortication or corpectomy simply means the intentional cutting or injury of cortical bone. While the bony jaws are composed of both cortical and medullary bone in various combinations depending on site and patient demographics, the periodontal surgery of interest in contemporary selective alveolar decortication involves only surgical injury of alveolar cortical bone for accelerated orthodontic tooth movement.
Will there be any discomfort?
Most patients report only minor discomfort from the surgical procedure. Even though discomfort is usually minimal, you can expect minor swelling and possibly light bruising. Both of these findings normally resolve themselves over the first week. The procedure will not impact an average daily routine after the first day or two. Most patients are back to school or work the very next day. Because the supporting bone is softened, many patients do not report significant discomfort, which can accompany wire adjustments in conventional orthodontic treatment. Wilckodontics patients have a much-improved orthodontic experience.
The major benefit of Wilckodontics is the prevention of periodontal problems by creating sufficient bone in areas where the bone is usually very thin or lacking. In other words, having a strong bone foundation should prevent from having periodontal problems (gum recession, furcation invasion, etc.) long term.
Benefits of Wilckodontics:
- Less time in orthodontic treatment (quicker treatment)
- Rapid Tooth Movement
- More Bone to Support Teeth Long Term
- Lesser Cost than Orthognathic Surgery
- No Hospital Visit as with Orthognathic Surgery
- Less Periodontal Problems around Teeth Long Term
- Less Loss of Gum Tissue (Recession)
- Less Furcation Invasion
- Less Root Resorption (Root Resorption can occur with conventional braces)
- Less Relapse (Movement of Teeth Back to Prior Position) Relapse commonly occurs with orthodontics. This is why wearing a retainer is important after treatment to prevent migration of teeth away from the ideal position.
Courtesy, Dr. Vignesh N, Periodontist, Apollo Dental, Puducherry.