Say Goodbye to Drills: How Dental Lasers Work Their Magic
October 25, 2024
Have you been avoiding the next appointment with your dentist, because of the anxiety and the pain it brings? Do the drills and scalpels used make you delay procedures till they're unavoidable?
There are hardly any people who look forward to sitting on the dentist's chair, and it is quite natural and understandable.
However, innovations in the world of medicine have brought forth incredible technologies to bring ease and comfort to people. One of the most remarkable breakthroughs is 'lasers', which are using light energy to perform non-invasive, near-painless procedures.
Laser dentistry has now been around for a while, and is offering huge respite to patients - adults as well as children. Treatments using lasers are more accurate, faster and more comprehensive than traditional dentistry, making it a more viable option.
Dentists are now using lasers for the removal of plaque tartar and tooth decay, treating gum disease and also minor gum surgeries, while minimising the need for anaesthesia or the use of any kind of drilling tools. The light beams emitted by lasers are powerful enough to destroy bacteria or infection, and can also treat internal moles or mouth ulcers.
Over the years, the fear of drills during dental procedures has been stressful for children and adults alike, and lasers become the perfect alternative to achieve the same or even better results, without the hassle.
The other advantage is that post-treatment recovery is much easier, with fewer restrictions (in most cases).
Some highlights of laser dentistry:-
Dentists are using various kinds of lasers for assorted oral health issues, and providing quicker relief to their patients.
- Laser-assisted root canal treatments can cleanse and disinfect the area, ensuring that the process is comfortable and the success rate is higher.
- Treating gum disease through lasers has been found to be more effective, as the precision involved ensures that healthy tissues remain untouched.
- Cavities and tooth decay are easily treatable through lasers, without the use of anaesthetics. In some cases, minor cavities are cleaned and restored, while avoiding the use of filling materials or resins.
- Contouring and correction of the gum line is effortlessly achieved through lasers, while avoiding scalpels.
- Cold sores and cankers are treated through lasers, to alleviate the pain and provide relief.
- In infants and young children, a tongue-tie or lip-tie are cured by gently releasing the soft tissues with lasers, which vastly improves their speech and eating.
- Teeth cleaning and whitening are the most popularly used laser treatments nowadays, as they get done faster - without using any harsh abrasive treatments or tools.
- Lasers are becoming increasingly common in the use of cosmetic dentistry, for achieving aesthetic and natural looking results.
This is only an overview of what lasers are currently being used for. As technology advances further, one can expect even more solutions and treatment options.
If you want to find out whether an upcoming dental procedure can be performed through lasers, you can consult one of our dental experts. To know more, call: 18001020288