Dr. Sudha Rani M
Dentist - 13 Years Experience
General Dentist
Kurnool, AshokNagar
Mon - Sat : 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Book an Appointment Call: 1800-102-0288
- Completed BDS (in 2007) from Govt. Dental College & Hospital Hyderbad.
- Over 13 yrs experience
- Registered with AP State Dental Council (APSDC)
Educational Qualification
Treatment & services expertise
- General Dentistry
- Tooth extractions
- Root Canal Tretments
- Cosmetic dental procedures (teeth whitening)
- Minor oral surgeries (removal of wisdom tooth, tooth extraction)
- Laser Dentistry
- Aligners
Trainings and conferences
Attended many training programs in Advanced Dentistry.
Professional Membership
- APSDC: A4732
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does Dr. Sudha Rani M practice?
Dr. Sudha Rani M practices at Apollo Dental Clinic, Kurnool-AshokNagar
How can I take Dr. Sudha Rani M appointment?
You can take Dr. Sudha Rani M appointment by calling 1800-102-0288 or Click here to book appointment online or walk-in to Clinic.
What is Dr. Sudha Rani M specialised in?
Dr. Sudha Rani M specialises in General Dentist