How To Control My Buck Teeth From Further Coming Forward
November 24, 2016
The term “Buck Teeth” describes teeth that are too far forward. The buckteeth and the...
Improved Solution To Avoid Toothless Jaw
November 22, 2016
What is Edentulism? Edentulism is the condition of being toothless to ...
Innovations In Gum Treatment- The Micro surgical Approach
August 23, 2016
Gum disease (periodontal diseases) is among the commonest chronic inflammatory conditions affecti...
What Happens At A Dental Checkup?
April 27, 2016
According to WHO estimates, about 30% of the children and 100% of the adults have cavities. This ...
Why Should You Make Dental Hygiene Your Priority!
March 13, 2016
Riya was very nervous that day. It was the last round of her job interview and she had to meet th...
Nutrition and Dental/Oral health go hand in hand!
March 11, 2016
Don’t we all wish our tooth remained like a kid’s first set of pearly shiny whites? T...
How to Prepare for a Dental Check-Up
February 26, 2016
To retain a beautiful and healthy smile for life, regular dental check-ups are mandatory. It will...
How To Whiten Your Teeth The Natural Way?
January 22, 2016
Shining white teeth add a charm to every smile and yellow teeth spoil an otherwise beautiful smil...
Children’s Day #bestbabysmile Contest 2015
November 24, 2015
Children’s day falls in the month of November. To celebrate the innocence of the children, ...
8 Tips To Reduce Dental Cavities
November 14, 2015
That searing pain which runs through the jaw up to the head. We all have experienced it. The pain...
7 Benefits Of Celebrity Smile By Apollo Dental!
October 8, 2015
What is the first thing that attracts you when you meet a person? 67% people claimed that ...
5 Advantages Of Teeth Whitening
September 24, 2015
Stained teeth are more prevalent in adult nowadays because of improper dental care and unhygienic...