Dr. Ishan Roy Choudhury
Dentist - 6 Years Experience
Prosthodontist And Implantologist
Kolkata, VIP Road
Mon : 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Book an Appointment Call: 1800-102-0288
- Completed BDS & MDS & Prosthodontist And Implantologist
Education Qualification
Treatment & Services Expertise
- Implants
- Extractions
- Crown & Bridges
- Root Canal
- Scaling & Filling
Trainings and Conferences
- State and National Conferences with special emphasis to workshops to develop newer skills and upgrade my knowledge regarding my subject and specialty.
Professional Membership
- Member of Indian Prosthodontic Society - 14470
- Member of Indian Dental Association – 194365
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does Dr. Ishan Roy Choudhury practice?
Dr. Ishan Roy Choudhury practices at Apollo Dental Clinic, Kolkata-VIP Road
How can I take Dr. Ishan Roy Choudhury appointment?
You can take Dr. Ishan Roy Choudhury appointment by calling 1800-102-0288 or Click here to book appointment online or walk-in to Clinic.
What is Dr. Ishan Roy Choudhury specialised in?
Dr. Ishan Roy Choudhury specialises in Prosthodontist And Implantologist